Inverse proportion is defined by myself as, when one value increases, the other value decreases. Used mostly in mathematics (algebra in particular, let me recall, it is the correlation between one value affecting the results of another when they work together). In the cartesian plane, it is the effect of the X and Y axis in hyberbolic ...ZZZZZZZZZZ.
In my life, the theory has been hounding me for the past 43 years. And sometimes, I stop and think that this theory should be sacked altogether, coz it's not giving me any good. Here are samples of how the theory of Inverse Proportion is ruining my existence:
1. There is inverse proportion with the cash on my wallet and the bills due.
2. There is inverse proportion with the length of travel and my need to piss.
3. There is inverse proportion with the chance of rain and carrying my umbrella.
4. There is inverse proportion with the number of days till laundry and looking for a good pair of pants.
5. There is inverse proportion with the time spent waiting for a ride and the time left for catching a meeting.
6. There is inverse proportion with the need to take a bath immediately and the availablity of a soap.
7. There is inverse proportion with the need to take a dump and the distance to the nearest toilet.
8. There is inverse proportion with the demand for my products and the supplies for the materials.
9. There is inverse proportion with the cellphone load and the need to call or text anyone immediately.
10. There is inverse proportion with the need to load your cell and the availability of loads.
11. There is inverse proportion with the decision to close shop early and have a long sleep, and the sudden rush of customers near closing time.
12. There is inverse proportion with the plan to wake up early and finding your bed so irresistible to leave.
13. There is inverse proportion with deciding to buy something for yourself and the need to repair your equipments.
14. There is inverse proportion with decision to ride non-aircon bus and only aircon buses plying the streets.
15. There is inverse proportion with your need to buy bottled water on a bus and availability of the vendor.
to be continued....
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